Tuesday, September 20, 2005

The Left as Enemies of the Principles of the American Revolution

In this essay we will examine the opposition of the Marxist-Leninist Left to the principles of the American Revolution here in the United States. The American Left, as I will refer to them in this essay, truly despise the radical libertarian principles of the American Revolution and the social impact it has had on the United States and the world. In this essay the principles of the American Revolution are not the current principles of the neoconservative movement, nor that of modern conservatism. The American Revolution's principles are that of Locke, Sidney, the English Levellers, and the American Revolutionaries in opposition to the principles of the Old World of which Marxist-Leninism is a product.

The Marxist Leninist Mindset

The Marxist Leninst mind sees man only in economic terms, much like Old World conservatism. Men in both theories exist only in the context of their economic lives, not in their moral and spiritual existance. The Left claims to be "revolutionary" and set on "freeing" the "proletariat" from the oppression of the upper classes. There is nothing "revolutionary" about Marxist philosophy. Marxist philosophy replaces the king, lords and church with the party, the "leader" and "dictatorship of the proletariat". These are all variations of feudal European thought. For example feudal landownership that the nobility used to exploit their serfs is not much different than Marxist "collective farms".In both instances the workers and farmers have no real interest in the property they work on. One works for the lord, the other for the state. In both cases men become slaves. In both instances men are ruled over by overseers and kommisars who direct them what to sow and reap, dole how much they can earn and prevent them, by coercion and police power, from revolting or seeking redress of any grievences. Men are the slaves rather than the masters of their servants, the polticians.

The American Left, once the proud libertarian patriots of the American Revolution, were replaced in the early 20th century by Marxist revolutionaries and "progressives". These Marxists slowly invaded the Democratic Party ( originally formed as the Democratic-Republician party by Jefferson and Madison) and took the party from it's revolutionary Jeffersonian roots to a socialist and statist political party.
Now the Democratic Party is made up of socialists, diversicrats, "multiculturalists", and outright Marxists. Many in the Democratic Party express genuine hatred for " dead white males" like their party's founders. Affirmative action, multiculturalism, and other racially divisive programs are the norm and the principles of individual liberty and Jeffersonian Democracy are cast aside.

The American Left have completely abandoned any semblence of believing in Jeffersonian principles, as have their supposed "conservative" Republican opponents. Both parties believe in a command-control society with orders given from above, or in the old Tory term, from "their betters". Economic and social life are tightly controlled by the leftist mentality, much as it used to be in a monarchial society. Aristocracy in the form of government bureucrats, politicians, and corporations dominate the landscape. Although most leftists do not believe in organized religion, they substitute it with their own religion of multiculturalism, group thought, and social engineering. This is all enforced by their courts of Inquisition. Hate crimes, set asides, affirmative action, preferences, etc are the new dogma of their new secular religion. This religion is like it's nemesis, the Christian Right. Both demand undying devotion to their religious or secular worldview. Both demand uniformity based upon their tyrannical and fanatical belief systems totally at variance with the principles of the American Revolution. Both reject the Revolutionary doctrine of natural rights, and freedom of all against the tyrannical acts of government, ANY GOVERNMENT.

The American Revolution vs the Modern Left

As I have shown in previous essays the American Revolution was a radical libertarian revolution against power and arbitrary government. Left wing ideology ( of the modern kind) is the epitome of power and arbitrary government. Look at the Soviet regime, China, Cambodia's Pol Pot, and North Korea. Are those poor people free? I think not. They are SLAVES. Slavery doesn't just mean chattel slavery, but more importantly mental slavery. Slavery that enslaves the mind is worse than that which enslaves the body. If one can be made to think a certain way, his slavery is total and complete. Communist regimes, following the old order of the alter and the throne, use people like animals. Brainwashing, slave labor camps, mental indoctrination, etc are all the complete antithesis of the American Revolution. The American Revolution on the other hand stood for the rights of mankind. Freedom of speech, assembly, press, religion, protection of habeus corpus, and jury trial, although ancient English liberties, were improved on and complimented by the Lockian view of natural rights. Natural rights are those rights inhernet to us as human beings. Rights of conscience, person and movement being just a few.
Leftists hate this concept. They hate it because if men have natural, unalienable rights and liberties then their feudal plantation of tyranny is immoral and subject to being overthrown. This, is for them ( the Left), is their greatest fear: loss of absolute power.

The Left vs the Sovereignty of the People

Popular sovereignty is a truly radical concept that is rejected by both the right and left. It is the prime ideal of the American Revolution. The Sovereignty of the People is the inalienable right of the people to possess self government and their right to overthrow any government that does not suit their ends. In this ideal all government is instituted for the happiness of the people, and any government that becomes a tyranny or violates the people's rights breaks the social contract with the people who no longer owe any allegience. This doctrine is far more radical than anything a Marxist revolutionary could come up with. This ideal flies in the face of Marxist oppression and despotism. The Left totally and completely rejects this revolutionary ideal. Along with their right wing opponents they rape and plunder the common man through taxes, inflationary banking schemes, regulations, aristocratical privileges for politicians and special interests, and a declining standard of living.
Both left and right are like two Mafia crime families fighting over territory; the territory is the liberty and fortunes of the people..

Conservative Allies

We are taught, or should I say indoctrinated, to believe that the left and right are polar opposites and enemies. This is a falsehood. On the surface, they seem like bitter enemies. Fights over gay marriage, taxes, free trade, budgets, social programs, etc are all surface oriented. Underneath this veneer is the iron hand of despotism. Both camps advocate a powerful centralized government far worse than the British Parliament that the American Revolutionaries revolted against. Now we hear conservatives proposing federal control of marriage, regulating intrastate commerce, preaching total war and empire, and picking and choosing states rights when it benefits them. The left loves this, even though they may hate the conservative social program. More centralized government means more power for when they get into office. Affirmative action, set asides, hate crimes, and other racist measures will be passed at the federal level, further feeding the federal leviathan.
Neither care about Jeffersonian Democracy. In short, there will be a future essay detailing it later, Jeffersonian Demcoracy means rule by the people over their agents. Smaller, local government, and more liberty and freedom for citizens. Jeffersonian Democracy also means preserving and cherishing the natural rights of the people against power centralized government. This is anathema to the left.

Marxism and the Neoconservatives

The current neoconservative movement has it's roots in the left and zionism. Both zionism and Marxist-Leninism are despotic philosophies.
Most neocons: Wolfowitz, David Frum, Donald Kagan, Richard Pearle, Elliot Abrams, William Kristol, have their roots in left wing ideology. Most, if not all, of these neocons are followers of Leon Trotsky and Leo Struass. They totally and completely reject the ideology of the American Revolution. Limited government, individual freedom and liberty, and the sovereignty of the people are alien concepts to these folks. As a matter of fact, many like Bill Kristol overtly have stated that the "Jeffersonian vision" of America is dead. Instead the ideal of a huge imperial Leviathan running roughshod across the globe enforcing what they term "democracy", which is really fascism with the rhetoric of freedom. True democracy is where the people rule, and liberty is secure. Representative democracy or in the language of the American Revolution "republicanism" is not the ruling of the world. Neocons, like their fanatical brothers in Isreal, the Likud, love powerful and centralized government. They are true heretics to the ideals of America and it's revolution.

Marxist Cultural Revolution

I am a supporter of revolution, but only a revolution that secures liberty and freedom. Marxist "cultural warriors" are a different story. Since they hate the principles of the American Revolution and it's radical consequences they are constantly doing their best to engender a cultural revolution within the United States to destroy a once great Western civilization. Below I will outline their strategy:

Destroy the Middle Class

Through high taxes, regulations, and racist affirmative action programs the cultural Marxist begins his breakdown of American Revolutionary principles. Marxists hate the middle class, and strive to drive down their wages and culture. Workers are enslaved by big government taxes like witholding taxes, sales taxes, gas taxes, and a multitude of other inane but no less oppressive taxes. The IRS is the enforcement arm of the federal income tax pillage. Seizures of bank accounts, administrative "hearings" without the benefit of jury trial, and imprisonment are the norm as hard working middle class Americans are fleeced to support politicians in Washington and their privileged lifestyle.

Attack on American History and it's Revolution

Most Marxists, unlike the Marxist left of the early 2oth century, spend an inordinante amount of time and energy smashing American libertarian and patriotic icons like Thomas Jefferson and George Washington. The American Revolution is labeled a "capitalist" revolution and one where slaveholders and other wealthy elites simply wanted separation from Britian. Now there is some kernel of truth that some American conservatives hated the social and economic consquences of the Revolution, but as Murray Rothbard points out in his "Conceived In Liberty" series, the Revolution was a mass movement of the people. He correctly points out how a minority may hold a leadership role, but that for a revolution to succeed the masses must be behind it. The radical wing of the American Revolution stood for the rights of the people against government and special interests. Men like Samuel Adams, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, Richard Henry Lee and Patrick henry stood at the forefront for the liberty of the masses. Marxist revolutionaries on the other hand used libertarian rhetoric, but enslaved the masses after the Revolution was completed.

Marxists hate the American Revolution due to it's radical and far reaching libertarian results which are at total variance with their worldview of revolution. The freedom of the individual, economic and personal liberty, the diluting of class distinctions, the annihilation of monarchy and nobility, and the separation of church and state were all results that the Revolution produced. This is anathema to the Marxist, the purveyor of Old World centralized power, who hates personal freedom and individual liberty. Now these cultural Marxists wish to uproot and destroy all of our revolutionary foundation by labeling the Founding Fathers "racist", "sexist", "homophobe", "dead white males" and other nihilistic and empty terms. This propaganda must be refuted! We must redeem our revolution against the despotism and hate that the Marxist Left spews.

Marxists and their consevative opponents have a vested interest in downgrading and shunting the aside the American Revolution: POWER.
Both need to destroy the principles of liberty to erect their tyrannies.

Marxist Deconstruction of Society

In the last 40 years Marxists have practiced the "deconstruction" of American history and society. They have infiltrated colleges and schools and through tenure, served for decades slowly engrafting their hateful and anti-American ideals into the curriculum. Many colleges now have ultra radical left groups who riot for affirmative action, scream for more taxpayer subsidies, and openly discriminate against whites and asians.
One of the methods of deconstruction is to indoctrinate people into hating their race ( usually white males) by calling them "oppressors" and
"white racists". Some colleges even have seminars where young left wing "minority" students stand and berate whites and call them names and telling them to be "ashamed" of their race. Also third world cultures and despotisms are elevated to high status as equal with American republicanism. Witch doctors are praised for using "alternative" medicine, and savage societies are considered 'enlightened". The more savage, the better. Within this vein, the curriculum is changed. Men like Jefferson, Thomas Paine, Shakespeare, Milton, Seneca, Aristotle,and other pillars of Western civilization are shunted aside as "dead white males" and not worthy of being taught to a "diverse" student body.
This deconstruction of American History is really a brainwashing of the young into the nilhistic principles of group think, race hatred, and self immolation. This is and will eventually destroy American society.

Expropriation of Private Property

Marxists hate the concept of private ownership of property, no matter how small. The United States is a nation of the middle class. Yes, there is a wealthy aristocracy at the top that uses it's wealth a power to feed off the people through government, but for the most part 85-90% fall in the middle income bracket. Marxists truly despise the middle class or "bougsousie" as they call them. Marxists used the income and other taxes such as property taxes to expropriate the private property of the middle class to drain them of wealth. Once done, they hope to drive them hopelessly into poverty and ignorance, eventually leading to slavery.

Marxists also love property, government property. Look at the current and former leaders of communist dictatorships. Men like Fidel Castro, the leaders of China and North Korea, and the former leaders of Eastern Europe lived lavishly. Personal servants, limos, bodyguards, all the women they want, high diet, alcohol, etc are all on the menu for these despots. These men are truly the nobility of the comunnist world, with the people as their serfs, and slaves. What communists are actually doing is living like the feudal aristocrats of Old Europe, emulating the despots of
the middle ages. While they live lavishly their people starve, suffer from disease and alcoholism, and live lives of ignorance and superstition. They are reduced to what Jefferson called the " the war of all against all."

Folks, this is the true face of Marxist-Leninist/ Left wing ideology. Don't be fooled by their rhetoric. Remember they hate the very concept of America- individual liberty and self government.

1 comment:

ThatDeborahGirl said...

In the world you describe came true, affirmative action and set asides would not be necessary.

All people, would truly be equal in your world, and discrimintion would not be based on skin color but on the merit of the individual.

It will take a real revolution for that to happen and the mental slavery of racism will have to be released from those who regard themselves as "superior" as much as any other form of oppression.

Good luck with that after the indoctrination of certain monetry classes and skin tones being split into this weird hierarchy of worthiness for millennia across the globe, let alone America.